Our story

A coffee conversation with a friend in 2016, discussing what we could offer the netball community and where the education was lacking, fast forward to being one of the leading netball education companies worldwide is a tribute to the hard work and dedication we as a company we have given to the netball communities all over the world. 

What we provide

Community Engagement:

Elevate provides community programs worldwide and encourages development through the involvement player, coach, umpire and association /club programs.


Positive environment 

Elevate create an environment where players feel safe to make a error and understand that learning from error is the only you grow as players.  We believe in celebrating the small wins no matter the context. When you demonstrate to players that you can learn and thrive in an environment where making errors can be a positive learning tool, you create a well balanced player. 


Elevate coach style 

Our coaching style is focused on delivering education to players and coaches in a way that instills ownership of individual learning and encourages players/coaches to feel empowered.


First class learning environment 

Our culture is to deliver a “First Class Learning Experience Every Time”.

We create unforgettable netball experiences through our workshops and programs.  Our coaching style is focused on delivering skills to players in a way that instils ownership of individual learning and encourages players to feel empowered.


Equal opportunities 

Elevate provides equal opportunities for ALL players to come and train with specialist coaches to learn and develop their skills. 


Sense of confidence 

Our vision is to inspire and educate community players  – where confidence is normally the hardest thing to teach, we take down that barrier and create a safe space for players to grow within themselves.

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